Eliot Porter
Ann Landi
ARTnews, April 2013A pioneer in color photography whose talent was recognized early by Ansel Adams and Alfred Stieglitz…
Ambushed by Sundry Treasures
Roberta Smith
The New York Times, January 2, 2013
Roberta Smith reviews Artist’s Choice: Trisha Donnelly in The New York Times
Featuring Eliot Porter -
Where the Spirit Meets the Soil
Paul Weideman
The Pasatiempo, The Santa Fe New MexicanPaul Weideman discusses the work of Eliot Porter,
the New Publication In The Realm of Nature, and the exhibition at
Scheinbaum & Russek Ltd. -
Black and White #46 Oct. 2008
Micheal MoreMichael More chronicles David Scheinbaum’s impressive accomplishments as a photographer and teacher, as well as his truly significant contribution to the Santa Fe photography scene.